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CaringBridge May 12
Laura Bacon September 17, 2013
Super Sunday ...

Written May 6, 2012 1:35pm

Super Sunday can’t be just for Super Bowl Sunday.  It can be for any Sunday, especially ones where you feel good and have a real bounce in your step.  I have had a great day so far; it really helps when I feel good.  The morning was sufficiently cool that we needed long-sleeve shirts or sweatshirts to sit in the shade and read the newspaper.  I even had a little bit of coffee to help keep me warm (it wasn’t necessary for the caffeine, as I had a great night’s sleep).  Life in the desert, however, particularly at this time of the year, means that the cool (early) morning will give way to a warm morning and an even warmer afternoon.  It won’t be too bad, however, as the predicted high for today is only 91 degrees.  For those of you who live where it is also humid, 91 can be quite uncomfortable.  Not so in the Phoenix area, as it really is a dry heat, at least for most of the year. 

After my first breakfast, Cathy and I went on a walk.  When we got back, she and Mary went on a run.  I am so happy when Cathy has the opportunity to run with her sister.  It is nice to run with someone, and I can’t be that someone just yet.  A little bit later Laura got up and went on a run, too.  (For now, I am content to get my exercise by walking.  But perhaps it won’t be too long before I try to run just a little bit.  I am in no hurry, however; moreover, I am sure my joints appreciate the time off from the pounding they received when I was running.)  When everyone got back for their runs, we had a nice big breakfast in our back yard.  Cathy did the cooking; I did the cleaning up afterwards.  We make a good team!  No, make that a great team!!

Every once in a while Cathy and I look back and marvel at the progress I have made in the past three months since I’ve been at Piper, receiving chemo.  I don’t know if I have ever mentioned the fact that the clinical trial I am on usually involves a PET scan before treatment starts and then again scattered throughout treatment.  It is apparently optional, as I did not have a PET scan.  When I asked recently why I didn’t, I was told that I was just too sick to take the time for the scan … I needed to start chemo right away. Boy was that ever a good call!  The treatments have been so effective, as evidenced by the CT scan and CA19-9 results.  But of course what we notice on a day-to-day basis is my significantly increased appetite and greatly improved general well-being.  When we started this ordeal, I could barely eat.  I was weak and spent most of my time on the couch.  Moreover, my nausea was much more severe.  I rarely could see visitors, and then only for a limited time.  Even phone calls were iffy.  Thank goodness that has changed!

I am so grateful that I feel this good, that I can enjoy the days as much as I can now.  I am blessed that I was able to enjoy commencement this past week, and that I can plan to go to the Desert Botanical Garden this coming week for the ballet.  These are things I used to take for granted.  Not anymore.  Indeed, I am trying not to take any of life’s wonderful moments for granted.  They all are a blessing.  And not just for those of us with cancer … 


Laura Bacon September 17, 2013
Another great day ...

Written May 7, 2012 2:44pm

I don’t know if it is the anti-nausea patch or just a patch of good luck, but I haven’t been nauseous for several days now … what a relief!  It sure makes a difference in how I feel.  I am fortunate that Piper knew how to appeal my insurance company’s decision not to fund the anti-nausea patch (it isexpensive).  I believe there is a trick to those appeals … you probably have to say just the right things.  Piper actually had tried two months ago to appeal the company’s original decision to deny the patch, but without any luck.  Perhaps the extra two months of not controlling my nausea with the other medication was a key to this most recent successful appeal.  Who knows?  I’m just glad to be on this patch and have it work thus far.  (I wasn’t nauseous every day when on the other medication, only about 2-3 days per week … I am optimistic that we’ll cut that down to 1 or fewer days per week with the anti-nausea patch.)   

I had a great day yesterday.  I had a nice phone conversation with my good friend, Brian.  He was the best man in Cathy and my wedding almost 31 years ago.  Although we don’t talk often (understatement), whenever we do we are able to pick up right where we left off.  It is a rare friendship that can survive and indeed carry on without missing a beat through such long silences.  These are the kinds of friends we should all be so lucky to have.  I am certainly blessed to have Brian as my good friend.

Last night, Cathy, Mary, Laura, and I went out for dinner at a local restaurant.  We sat outside to enjoy the beautiful evening.  I just love this time of the year.  We all enjoyed our dinners and especially the company. For some reason, the young waiter seemed most interested in pleasing Laura …

Today has been a great day.  Cathy and I woke up early and enjoyed coffee and the newspaper outside in our back yard.  After that, Cathy and I went on a particularly brisk walk.  Not content with that being enough exercise, Cathy and Mary went on a run while I “ran” to Walgreen’s to pick up some prescriptions.  I am pretty sure our car could drive to Walgreen’s on its own … After all that running around we enjoyed breakfast burritos in the backyard.

Cathy and Mary are entertaining each other this afternoon while I do some professional work.  We might see a movie this evening, or just hang out.  The weather should be as beautiful as it was last night, and so we may very well decide to stay home, sit outside, and just enjoy Mary’s last night in Phoenix. It has been great to have her here.

I feel so fortunate to be having a great day.  I hope you are having one, too.    


Laura Bacon September 17, 2013
Love one another ...

Written May 8, 2012 5:01pm

I am feeling so good these days I almost forget I am battling one of the most pernicious forms of cancer there is.  The daily medications help remind me, and certainly the weekly trips to Piper remind me that I am a cancer patient, but these and other reminders don’t always offset the sense of normalcy I have as a consequence of feeling so good.  I have embraced my situation as a cancer patient and, for now, am happily riding waves of good fortune.  I realize I may not always feel this good, but that is part of the battle.  My goal is to be disease-free and live a long and healthy life; I have a formidable opponent, but an army of people fighting the fight with me.  We will keep fighting.  We will win. 

Cathy continues to amaze me with her strength and her ability to get so much accomplished.  She has added full-time caregiver to her already-busy life. She has been incredibly strong through all of this; she has been my rock. And although I am feeling good and require less moment-to-moment attention, she still does a tremendous amount of extra things for me.  The daily 30-min morning walk is certainly one of those things.  How many people could give up 30 minutes in the morning and still get their exercise and work done?  Not many.  She also makes sure there is plenty of food in the house for me to eat, even when she is at work.  One of my favorite edibles is a tofu pie … one recipe is tofu with berries etc. and another is tofu with peanut butter and chocolate.  Both are great sources of protein and calories.  And certainly one reason I am gaining weight!  Cathy also is a constant companion at Piper and at any other place where I might have a medical appointment.  Not everyone is – and perhaps only a few are – so lucky to have their spouse with them for every chemo treatment.  It is not easy to rearrange your schedule to pull this off, but Cathy does it week after week, without a complaint.  No one is fighting any harder than she.  Together, we will win.

Today I got the sad news that one of my friends/fraternity brothers committed suicide yesterday.  News like that reminds me how precious life is.  As if I needed any other reminders … One may never understand what drives someone to take their own life, but perhaps fewer people would if they were able to live in the moment and appreciate the many gifts they have around them.  That may sound simplistic, and perhaps it is, but I believe that life has greater meaning and is more enjoyable when we are living in the moment.  In memory of DC, I am going to work even harder to live in the moment and to love my family and friends all the more.  By so doing, I will be a winner.


Laura Bacon September 17, 2013
Hopeful Hump Day ...

Written May 9, 2012 1:17pm

100,000 … that is the number of platelets I need to have chemotherapy tomorrow, the first day of the fourth cycle of chemotherapy.  50,000 is the number I need for all other chemo days of a cycle.  These numbers are in my best interest.  The chemotherapy drugs inhibit your body’s ability to produce platelets, so my count will drop after chemotherapy.  We need to start at a reasonably high level so the count doesn’t fall dangerously low … for example, if they were to fall too low, I could be at risk for internal bleeding and possibly other complications.  I am hopeful that my platelet count will be well over 100,000 tomorrow, so we can start chemo with a buffer to sustain the inevitable drop in platelets.  As you know, I want the chemo drugs in my system, fighting those nasty tumors.  We are doing well so far in our fight … let’s keep it up!

We are going to combine tomorrow’s trip to Piper with a social gathering. We are meeting a friend of mine for breakfast before our 9:30 appointment. I haven’t seen Wayne for several months; I enjoy his company immensely and am really looking forward to seeing him.  I appreciate his efforts to get together.  Although we’ll only be together for an hour, I am going to enjoy every minute of it!

Tonight we are going to the premiere of Topia, a ballet inspired by the beauty of the desert (some people – like me – find the desert beautiful; some do not).  We are meeting Liz’s parents there ... after all, Dan and Liz aren’t the only ones to benefit from their union.  The ballet is a collaboration between Ballet Arizona and the Desert Botanical Garden.  The performance is outside at the Garden on a specially built stage.  Although there is a slight chance of rain tonight, I am hopeful it will remain dry.  I’m really looking forward to the performance.

Today, like every day, should be full of hope.  I feel that way; I hope you do, too.


Laura Bacon September 17, 2013
Not Therapeutic Thursday ...

Written May 10, 2012 4:57pm

Well, unfortunately my platelet count was 82,000, so they sent us home early again … bummer.  We are scheduled to go back on Monday.  I expect to get chemo under one of two circumstances.  In one case, my platelet count will be over 100,000 (I suspect it will be) and they will treat me as they would have today.  In the other case, if my count is still under 100,000, they may excuse me from the study (I’m on a clinical trial), but still treat me.  I would then be on the Bacon study.  The advantage to the Bacon study is that they are not restricted to set protocols (so, for example, they could treat me with a platelet count of 95,000 on the Bacon study, but not on the clinical trial).  They explained that everyone responds differently, and that not everyone needs chemo on a schedule dictated by the clinical trial (3 weeks on, one week off).  I might do well with receiving chemo every other week.  I don’t know what other implications there may be if we move to the Bacon study, but my understanding now is that they would continue to treat me, but just with a schedule dictated by my body.  We’ll know more on Monday.

The ballet was rained out last night.  We had quite a storm here.  We have the option to get our money back or pick another night; we are going to pick another night, after coordinating with Liz’s parents.  We are still looking forward to the performance … it is just that we get to look forward a bit longer …

I gained just over two more pounds this week!  If you round up .4 of a pound, it means I have gained 15 of the 20 pounds that I lost when this all started. Not bad!!

We enjoyed breakfast today with our friends Fumie and Wayne. They joined us at a restaurant across the street from Piper.  It made the otherwise disappointing trip to Piper worthwhile.  Good breakfast and great conversation!

Yesterday I had a great visit from one of my fraternity brothers (actually, my pledge father) and his wife.  It was great to see Steve again … it has been since college, which was a long time ago … It was also great to meet his wife Kay.  They are in town for a golf outing, and took the time to stop by right after landing in Phoenix from Cincinnati.  I really appreciated getting to see them both; it made my day.

Although we were disappointed that I did not receive chemo today, we must look on the positive side: I feel great, have lots of energy, very little pain, and absolutely no nausea.  We are still winning this fight. I’m just anxious to get back in the ring … on Monday!  


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